Climate Change’s Impact on International Tourism

Andrew Hilts

Almost all of us have been tourists; some may even be excitedly planning a family vacation in a couple months. Yet, we are often largely unaware of how climate change affects global tourism. Our favorite beaches, hotels, childhood memories, potentially wiped away due to the pressing issue of climate change. Tens of millions of people across the world find themselves employed in a sector relating to tourism. How would climate change affect global tourism? And how would this change in global tourism affect our economy, and therefore, even our everyday lives? International tourism also is part of the issue, contributing massively to the production of greenhouse gases. This project examines what the future could hold, and what direction our world could point to avoid possible catastrophe.

Andrew Hilts

Andrew Hilts is a Junior at the University of South Carolina, majoring in Mathematics and Economics. He was born and raised in Raleigh, North Carolina. Andrew spent the summer of 2021 working in Washington, DC with the House Committee on Oversight and Reform, which sparked interest in how economics relate to every policy that comes through Capitol Hill. Andrew hopes to continue exploring how economics can be used to assist in solving a variety of issues spanning individuals and nations.